10 steps to more satisfying charitable giving

Randi Weaver – Good Giving Planner

Charitable and good giving doesn’t need to complicated or challenging.

In fact, done correctly, it can be a fun and engaging way to help others whilst also gaining huge personal fulfilment.

My article today provides 10 quick-fire steps on how to get more satisfaction from your giving. I hope you find value in what you read.

Longhurst - Philanthropy
  1. Take a deep breath. Proactive versus reactive donating.
  2. Think narrow. Dive deep. Give more, and in more ways, to fewer.
  3. Say no, gracefully. While it does not feel particularly charitable, it is perfectly OK to say no when approached about making a donation.
  4. Create spreadsheet magic. Set a budget – it will serve as both a target and a boundary.
  5. We have a plan! Make a giving plan. And stick to it.
  6. Book your MOT. Hold a periodic review of the development of your plan, at least annually
  7. Signpost the Way Out. For large donations, always have an exit plan and discuss it openly with the beneficiary.
  8. Let’s mingle. Consider networking with like-minded donors.
  9. Shout about it! Share your giving joy. Inspire others.
  10. Use an Expert Witness. Consider working with a philanthropy advisor, especially helpful in conducting due diligence and maintaining anonymity until the appropriate time.

Next Steps

As always, if you’d like to start a conversation about your charitable and good-giving plans, please contact me at hello@longhurst.co.uk.