Longhurst SME Virtual Pub Open for Business!

Chris Broome – Chartered Financial Planner

We’re launching an SME Virtual Pub event, to be held every week via Zoom.

As a business ourselves, the focus of these socials will be for business owners and leaders to get together to share life today, positives, challenges, ideas, success stories, and generally have a good sound-board with like minded folk.

We’ll also ask experts to answer questions on specific topics; such as an accountant answering questions on the recent government funding announcement; as well as a mind-set expert on how to manage additional stress; and teachers to explain how to support your children during periods of isolation.

1 hour max per session. Social dress, no ties.

Your favourite tipple in hand.

Opportunities to connect with potential clients/customers.

Free for all to attend; industry and profession agnostic.

We go live this coming Wednesday 25th March 2020, at 8pm.

Computer mics on. Camera on (ideally). Get involved.

Longhurst SME Virtual Pub