
Chris Broome – Explorer & Survivor of Hippo infested rivers 😉

One of my bucket list items has just been ticked off – a fortnight long safari trip in Africa!

Courtesy of Tucan Travel, and organised by our travel consultant Sian Pages, I landed in South Africa and then proceeded to visit Zambia, Botswana, and then Namibia.

Travelling alongside 16 other adventure seekers, we toured Africa in a bright yellow coach called Peeky. Stopping off each evening at a safari lodge, we witnessed breath-taking scenery; truly magical wildlife; and met the most amazing locals including our wonderful tour hosts – Aswell and Fin.

We encountered every possible animal you could imagine. We cruised a number of rivers. We even got beached in a hippo infested spot and had to jump in to push the boat out (with free beer and a refund of our cost as a sorry!). We also ate a lot of braais (BBQ’s) and the freshest of sea-food.

I’m absolutely delighted to have committed to such a trip. I was conscious about the lack of ‘holiday’ in the plans, and the fact I was living out of a rucksack; however, the memories and new friends will last a life-time, and that’s what it’s all about right …. life experiences and memories.

I even ticked off one of my fears …. jumping out a perfectly good aeroplane …. I can certainly say I’ll be doing it again!

I could write forever about the trip, but instead I’ll share some of the 2,000 pictures I took. I haven’t had time yet to tweak and perfect them, so you’re getting the raw image.

I hope you enjoy and take inspiration to do something similar if not already 🙂

Travel Planning
Longhurst - Travel Planning


Longhurst - Travel Planning
Autumn Adventure Holidays