Getting ahead is a zero-sum game as there’s only ever one winner.

Getting Ahead vs Having Enough
- Getting ahead is an overrated life goal.
- You could say it’s just a bad idea.
- Getting ahead is a zero-sum game as there’s only ever one winner.
- And in this game, it’s possible that even the winners are losers.
- Do you really want to be remembered as the person who spent their life striving to get ahead of everyone else?
- What about you simply focus on having and being enough?
- This way you won’t have to compete in a game that pits you against your neighbours.
- You can instead opt for life’s simple satisfactions, and dare we say – more happiness.
- If you pause right now and imagine a life where you had ‘Enough.’
- What would you do differently?
- And, how would you live your life?
- Here at Longhurst our focus is on helping you to lead a happier life, not just a wealthier one.
- One where you enjoy supporting your family, your friends, and your community.
- And, one where you take care of yourself.
- If you play the wrong game there will always be someone else ahead of you.
- So, don’t sweat the small stuff, and don’t compete.
- Focus on your Enough.