Project Longhurst: There is always hope

Chris Broome – Chartered Financial Planner

We promised to bring you regular updates on  our corporate charitable giving programme, ‘Project Longhurst’, which aims to support organisations involved in humanitarian, animal welfare, environmental and financial education causes.

Below, we share the highlights of the latest Impact Report from our humanitarian partner, HART UK, which takes a look back at everything they have achieved over the last 20 years.

Your impact so far…

Two decades ago, we set out on a mission to bring hope to people in forgotten conflicts.

Your support has transformed thousands of lives. In places where many others are unable or unwilling to go, our local partners provide food, shelter, education and more. This timeline (from 2004 to 2024) is a snapshot of their achievements.

2004 – HART registers as a charity

Baroness Cox, human rights campaigner and independent member of the House of Lords, registers HART as a charity. She combines aid with advocacy to support people in need.

2005 – Locally-led solutions

HART’s local partners are perfectly placed to reach victims of conflict or disaster, especially when big aid organisations withdraw because of politics or insecurity.

2006 – Women’s empowerment

Your support equips women with the knowledge and confidence to face the challenges of their communities.

2007 – See the world through a different lens

In a noisy world, we do our best to amplify the voice of people who are often ignored.

2007-2009 – Healthcare provision

Your support provides practical and ongoing care to people who do not have access to mainstream services.

2008 – Disability equality

The Lady Cox Rehabilitation Centre ensures that people with disabilities are given the opportunity to live fulfilling, healthy and happy lives.

2009 – Celebrating diversity

Burma is one of the world’s most ethnically-diverse countries and home to a variety of religions.

2010 – Conflict resolution

Through patience and sustained engagement, HART’s local partners play an essential role in peacebuilding.

2011 – Local resilience in the world’s newest nation

HART is present in Juba on 9 July 2011 to witness South Sudan gain independence from Sudan. Amid the country’s complex conflict dynamics, we are inspired by the positive impact of local partners.

2012 – Livelihoods

Our livelihood programmes help to restore people’s dignity and independence, reducing their reliance on external support.

2013 – Advocacy

HART gathers first-hand evidence of oppression and injustice. We share real-life stories of grief and courage.

2014 – Support for victims of forgotten conflicts

Local partners are beacons of hope within their communities. They assist victims of conflict who would otherwise be left to fend for themselves.

2015 – The projects you fund make a real difference

In the flashpoint city of Jos, Nigeria, outbreaks of violence result in frequent killings and a deterioration in relations between Christians and Muslims.

2016 – Hope in suffering

A four-day war erupts in Nagorno Karabakh. Wounded soldiers and civilians receive treatment at the Lady Cox Rehabilitation Centre, the only health facility in the region to specialise in treatments for patients with disabilities.

2017 – Forging paths to peace and stability

In South Sudan, rebel groups continue to multiply along ethnic and tribal lines in localised militia.

2018 – Economic empowerment

HART launches a partnership with St. Ephrem Patriarchal Development Committee (EPDC) in Maaloula, an historic town that suffered terribly during the early part of the Syrian war.

2019-2020 – A disputed region with minimal international support

Abyei is claimed by two countries: Sudan and South Sudan. It has no Government. This creates confusion about who should organise the delivery of aid. International organisations often choose not to engage; support for Abyei is deemed too complex, politically-sensitive or outside their mandate.

2020 – The impact you make possible

Every donation makes a difference. We could not do this life-saving work without you.

2021 – Support during times of crisis

Burma’s military coup dashes any hope of democratic progress. Its impact is felt across major towns and cities, as well as the lesser-known border regions.

2022 – Child education

HART’s education programmes help children escape poverty and empower families to live healthier lives.

2023 – Emergency relief

HART provides life-saving assistance to victims of conflicts or disaster. During an emergency, our local partners save lives.

2023-2024 – You make the difference

In places where many others cannot or will not go, your support reaches those who need it most.

Getting to 2030

HART’s vision is clear: to save and transform lives by strengthening the capacity of local partners. We combine aid with advocacy to champion their vision for a brighter future.

HART is a small charity. We often feel overwhelmed by the scale of crises facing our local partners.

We could almost feel defeated and unmotivated to act. But we have a motto: ‘We cannot do everything, but we must not do nothing.’

This short report is proof that, if – together – we all do something, we really can make a difference. You have helped our partners realise their vision of hope for their communities.

Your compassion, friendship and generosity over 20 years is deeply encouraging. We are very grateful and we do not take your support for granted.

Thank you so much.

Caroline Cox, Founder President

Read the full “20 Years Impact Report” here

Find out more

To read more about Project Longhurst, please visit our dedicated website page.

For more information about HART, visit their website.