How financial planning and personal coaching complement each other

Chris Broome – Chartered Financial Planner

Financial planning and life coaching can complement each other in several ways:

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1.  Setting goals: Both financial planning and life coaching involve setting goals. In financial planning, the goals are typically focused on financial matters, such as saving for retirement or buying a house. In life coaching, the goals can be broader and can include personal and professional development. Together, financial planning and life coaching can help individuals set and achieve both financial and personal goals.

2.  Identifying and addressing limiting beliefs: Financial planning and life coaching can help individuals identify and address limiting beliefs that may be holding them back from achieving their goals. A financial planner can help identify limiting beliefs about money, such as a belief that one can’t save enough to achieve financial goals, while a life coach can help address limiting beliefs in other areas of life, such as a belief that one is not capable of achieving certain goals.

3.  Developing a holistic approach: Financial planning and life coaching can work together to provide a holistic approach to personal and professional development. A financial planner can help individuals develop a plan to achieve financial goals, while a life coach can help individuals develop the skills and mindset needed to achieve those goals and others.

4.  Addressing emotional issues: Financial planning and life coaching can both address emotional issues that may be affecting an individual’s ability to manage their finances and achieve their goals. A financial planner can help individuals address emotional issues related to money, such as fear of failure, while a life coach can help individuals address emotional issues that may be affecting other areas of life.

5.  Creating a sense of accountability: Financial planning and life coaching can both create a sense of accountability and help individuals stay motivated and on track to achieve their goals. A financial planner can hold individuals accountable for achieving financial goals, while a life coach can hold individuals accountable for achieving personal and professional goals.

It’s worth noting that while financial planning and life coaching can complement each other, they are not the same, and it’s important to seek the right professional for your specific needs.

A financial planner can help you with your financial planning and investment management, while a life coach can help you with personal and professional development, goal setting and addressing limiting beliefs.

Next steps

If you have any questions about any of the above, or wish to discuss your long-term financial plans with us, please get in touch. Contact us