Sponne School
Entrepreneurialism Talk
Chris Broome – Chartered Financial Planner
On the 22nd November, I attended Sponne School in Towcester, to present my interpretation of being an entrepreneur, to a 70 strong room of ‘Ofsted Outstanding‘ 6th formers.
This was organised alongside both Gaia Innovation and Silverstone Park, with a focus on inspiring the next generation.
The teachers had given me a remit of what to cover and talk about; including:
- Skills and Characteristics of an entrepreneur
- Qualifications required
- Impact of digital marketing and branding
- And, anything I could say on the matter
And so, I spoke to the students about:
- my background within financial services
- the moment of realisation shortly after Mum passed that I needed to find ‘My Why’
- the journey to launch Longhurst
- our branding and the success it’s delivered thus far
- running the regions #1 business podcast
- world famous entrepreneurs and what they all have in common
- how to put a ‘plan’ in place
I finished the presentation with one simple slide.
I explained that you could have all the qualifications in the world, have the best product or service, and be incredibly successful.
But, and it’s a big but, if you’re not enjoying yourself AND truly happy in your work and life, what’s the point?
We have one shot at life. Why not make it a happy and fulfilling one.
Here is the final slide.
Something for all of us to focus on, myself included 🙂
On behalf of the team at Longhurst, we wish all of the students success with their exams, and even more success and happiness in their careers. Why not consider financial planning in those options ……. ?